Research and Studies

Supporting Syria and the region: Post-London conference financial tracking, Report Two

One year ago, on 4 February 2016, 48 donors gathered in London for the Supporting Syria and the Region Conference (‘London conference’) to mobilise funding for responding to the needs of the people affected by the Syrian crisis. The United Kingdom (UK), Germany, Kuwait, Norway and the United Nations (UN) co-hosted this fourth pledging conference for Syria and the region.

Multi-year pledges were made for the 2016–2020 period and amounted to over US$12 billion in grants and over US$41 billion in loans. This report summarises progress against pledges made by donors at the conference to respond to needs in Syria and the neighbouring refugee-hosting countries – Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt and Iraq. It is the second progress update report, as part of an ongoing project to track financial resources to the crisis following the London conference.

The information presented here will be updated and supplemented in a subsequent report this year. The report presents an overview of the pledges made at the conference and a breakdown of grant and loan contributions to date.

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