Final Evaluation
From September 2012 and August 2013, Search for Common Ground (SFCG), with the support of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), implemented a project aimed at the successful and peaceful repatriation and reintegration of refugees. The project was entitled Supporting the Peaceful Reintegration of Congolese returnees in the Equateur and South Kivu provinces of the DRC.
The project’s three main objectives were the following:
- Inform local actors in support of protection and reintegration in return zones, including SGBV prevention;
- Reinforce social cohesion and foster collaborative approaches to conflict between returnees and residents in the zones of return;
- Enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian actions in return zones by strengthening the conflict- sensitivity of partner NGOs and key community actors.
At the end of project, SFCG was unable to measure some of the indicators developed due to the fact that the implementation of a new DME data collection system took longer than was originally foreseen. However, data was collected after the project in order to a) understand lessons learned from the experience, b) inform the new project currently ongoing in DRC, Supporting the peaceful reintegration of Congolese returnees in the Equateur province of the DRC, and c) provide a point for comparison and understanding of the results of the current project. Due to transitions within our DM&E system, the analysis and writing process took additional time; however, this report will provide points for guidance and for comparison so that changes in target communities may be better identified at the end of the current project. This evaluation was based on quantitative data, along with some qualitative data from participant’s feedback.