Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Sustainable Agriculture for Economic Resiliency (SAFER) Project: Mid-term Evaluation.

The SAFER project aims to improve the resilience of households, communities and agriculture systems in four regions of South Sudan – Lakes, Jonglei, Western Equatoria and Northern Bahr El-Ghazal – through restoring and diversifying livelihoods (output 1); restoring and strengthening agricultural production practices (output 2); and strengthening community and intercommunal resource sharing and management practices (output 3). Funded by USAID, the USD 37.8 million project is implemented by FAO through five IPs over a three-year period, between 2017 and 2020.

The primary purpose of this MTE is learning, for the remaining months of the SAFER project, and especially for future resilience programming in South Sudan for which the PfRR provides an important channel. The evaluation has been carried out according to the following criteria: relevance, effectiveness and project results, efficiency, and sustainability. It explores partnerships and reviews the SAFER project in relation to the humanitariandevelopment nexus. The evaluation methods included: a review of relevant documentation; field visits to Yambio (WES), Rumbek (East and West Lakes), and Bor (Jonglei); key informant interviews and focus group discussions.

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