Research and Studies

Sustainable Sanitation for Vulnerable Population in Periurban Areas of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Compendium of 14 thematic peered papers

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The ACF WASH research project (2011-2015) in Mongolia, with strong involvement from local partners and academic partners, aimed at testing appropriate technologies and solutions; identify effective methods for their promotion; and reinforce the public and private sector to deliver the identified solutions. Specifically it focused on:

  • Addressing issues of low water consumption of kiosk users and researching kiosk management
  • Identifying and piloting sustainable on-site sanitation options
  • Improving domestic water management and other hygiene practices

More generally, the project aimed at exploring how to ‘close the loop’ and evolved progressively from technical to environmental and advocacy thematic, especially focusing on green economy and eco-cities approaches. Whilst some aspects of the programme are specific to Ulaanbaatar (such as the climate), the broader issues addressed of improving access and delivery of WASH services to the urban poor are relevant around the world, like Bangladesh, where ACF intervenes.

The current compendium presents the fourteen peer reviewed publications produced by the project, on the following issues: eco development, socio-economics, health WASH related issues, compost and reuse and grey water management.

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