Synthesis of findings and lessons learnt from the Strategic Objective Evaluations

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Building on the thematic evaluations undertaken by OED in the period 2014-17, this synthesis draws findings and lessons regarding the conceptualization, operationalization and results of the reviewed Strategic Framework. It concluded that the reviewed Strategic Framework is a significant and transformative step towards reorienting and repositioning a 70-year-old organization in a fast-evolving development landscape, to better address the emerging challenges to achieving FAO Members’ global goals and FAO’s vision. The reviewed Strategic Framework has fostered a new, inter-disciplinary way of working in FAO, broken traditional silos and placed new emphasis on partnerships. However, FAO faced several implementation challenges from issues relating to matrix management structure, skills and competencies in new thematic areas, and communication and resource mobilization for the Strategic Objectives, which constrained effectiveness. Looking ahead, the synthesis provides an analysis of the implications of recent global developments, such as the Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Change Agreement and the UN Reform for the development of the next FAO Strategic Framework.

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