Guidance and Tools

Syria: engaging with local actors to increase humanitarian outreach

Monday 9 – Wednesday 11 March 2015

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Humanitarian organisations are facing challenges that seriously hamper an effective humanitarian response in Syria. International organisations have increasingly limited access due to restrictions imposed by either the government or armed groups. This gap has been filled by Syrian local organisations, using their connections and networks in the country to provide aid and protection to the population. However, these local groups also struggle to maintain their operations, in part due to the difficulty in accessing funds. The way in which humanitarian action is conducted, the lack of cooperation and trust between organisations, the impact of counter-terrorism legislation and international sanctions, as well as the lack of flexibility in funding have been identified as obstacles to a more effective response.

In March 2015, a three-day workshop hosted by Wilton Park brought together Syrian local and diaspora groups providing humanitarian assistance inside Syria with international non-governmental organisations, multilateral agencies and donor community representatives to discuss these challenges. It constituted a forum for Syrian local and diaspora groups providing humanitarian assistance to Syrians inside Syria to meet for an open dialogue with the international donor community as well as with international organisations to examine ways to confront the challenges in responding to the requirements of those in humanitarian need in areas controlled by all parties to the conflict.

In order to confront these issues, the need for a narrative centred on the Syrian population affected by the conflict has been identified, as well as genuine partnerships enabling local and international organisations to complement one another and work more effectively. Core, long term, flexible funding for Syrian organisations is vital in order for them not only to continue, but to strengthen their work. Appropriate training, adapted to their specific needs, would also enable local organisations to attain a more professional level, thereby meeting generally accepted professional standards.

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