Turkish Version
The Syria Integrated Needs Assessment (SINA) is a rapid multisectoral humanitarian assessment that aims to provide an overall description of the affected areas, population groups and needs of the population inside Syria. Nearly three years of conflict, destruction and division have resulted in massive humanitarian needs across Syria. At the same time, access restrictions have progressively reduced the humanitarian space in which aid organisations operate. As a result, reaching the affected population – even just to gather information – is difficult and risky. In this context of poor information and rapidly deteriorating conditions, humanitarian agencies decided to undertake this joint assessment.
Information was collected in 111 sub-districts in 8 governorates in November 2013 through key informant interviews conducted, direct observations in the field, secondary data review and two remote assessments. To analyse findings, sectors completed sector-specific analysis, which was complemented by a cross-sectoral analysis conducted through the SINA Working Group.