Syria Response Consultations on the UK National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

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The UK government is currently developing a new National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS), with 6 focus countries including Syria. It is scheduled to be launched during the annual high level debate on Woman Peace and Security (WPS) in New York in October 2017 and implemented as of January 2018. WILPF, Amnesty International UK (AI UK) and the Syrian CSO Women Now for Development (WND) held consultations with Syrian women human rights defenders, gender equality advocates and civil society organisations to reflect and strategise on how best to use the UK NAP to translate the UK government’s WPS commitments into tangibly positive impacts for all women and girls inside Syria, as well as those seeking refuge abroad.

This final report details the main findings and recommendations arising from the civil society consultations. It was delivered by GAPS to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office in April. The report aims to influence the design of the new UK NAP on WPS, which is currently in the process of being drafted.

The report highlights the main challenges to the implementation of the international Women, Peace and Security agenda in Syria and among host communities, as experienced by Syrian women. The needs of Syrian women and the main barriers affecting them are addressed in four priority areas:

  1. participation;
  2. violence against women and girls (VAWG);
  3. institutions, security, justice and legal frameworks; and
  4. refugees and forced displacement.

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