Research and Studies

Syrian refugees with disabilities living in camps in northern Iraq, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Assessment report

35 reachinitiative unhcr disabilityassessmentreport january2014 fin png

There is a lack of comprehensive data on refugees with disabilities in camps hosting Syrian refugees across the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. While some organisations have provided one-off distributions of cash and/or mobility and assistance devices, no organisation was found to maintain a consolidated database with details on refugees with disabilities at the time of this assessment (November/December 2013). Therefore, the overall aim of this REACH disability assessment was first to identify all persons with disabilities in the camps. Secondly, in order to ascertain gaps in the overall humanitarian response and to encourage targeted service provision, the assessment also intended to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by refugees with disabilities.

In partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), REACH conducted key informant interviews in November 2013, followed by household level interviews carried out between the 1st and 10th of December 2013.

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