Tearfund started its emergency response in Pakistan from the year 2005 after the devastating earthquake in KP and AJK along with many international humanitarian agencies which came forward to assist the affected communities in coping with the unprecedented situation. Tearfund assisted the communities with implementing a public health programme (PHP) under which health and hygiene sessions were conducted and H&H kits were distributed. Furthermore, water supply scheme were rehabilitated in hilly terrains and transitional shelters were provided to the desperate victims of Earthquake. In the year 2009, Pakistan faced humungous IDP crises due to the military operations in KP’s politically unrest areas to curb the insurgency of religious militants. Tearfund supported SSEWA-Pak to establish an IDP camp in Swabi on space provided by Taraki Trust for supporting 300 families and assisted 200 families in Mardan at the Peshawar Diocese Technical Training Center. During late July and August 2010 Pakistan experienced the worst floods in the history. Tearfund geared up to implement a floods response project and meanwhile the emergency response of 2010 was in progress, the situation in lower Sindh was worsened when heavy monsoon rains in the late summer of 2011 caused extensive flooding and affected over 5 million people, some for the second time. As a whole, three-year strategy1 was drawn up to respond to both the immediate needs and to provide a longer term response to address some of the underlying issues which contributed to people’s vulnerability to the floods but a six month addition has been done to the time frame of this strategy due to the delays in project activities implementation caused by 2011 floods. Since March 2012 two partners and the TOP team are implementing Phase 2 projects funded by the flood appeal and two further partners are in the process of developing and submitting proposals for Phase 2. A further three partners were supported to implement emergency relief projects in response to the 2011 floods. The floods response project started in September 2010 and will be completed by Dec 2013.