Guidance and Tools

Technical Guidelines: Cash for Rent

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Recent data shows that the overall housing conditions of refugees are deteriorating, with 41% of Syrian refugees in Jordan living in rented accommodation that present two or more substandard features, such as insufficient ventilation, dampness, leaking walls, poor hygiene conditions, and privacy concerns (UNHCR/NRC market assessment). Lease agreements are also becoming scarcer for shorter renting periods.

Access to standard housing is further limited by a shortage in the supply and competition with host communities, negatively affecting the relationship between Syrian refugees and Jordanians. 95% of Syrians and 87% of Jordanians cite discontent within their communities as a result of the cost of housing (JRP 2017-2019).

The objective of these guidelines is to inform shelter sector partners of best practices for implementing conditional cash-for-rent assistance targeting vulnerable Syrian refugees and host communities. These guidelines have been developed by a taskforce of the Shelter working group (WG). They should be updated in July 2019.

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