Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Terms Of Reference: Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Senegal (2005-2010)

This evaluation, part of a series that assessed outcomes and impacts of WFP's food-for-assets (FFA) programming on livelihoods resilience, identified lessons for enhancing impacts and alignment with WFP's 2011 Food for Assets Guidance Manual and Disaster Risk Reduction Policy. It covered WFP Senegal’s FFA components implemented between 2005-2010 within a Country Programme and two Protracted Relief and Rehabilitation Operations. Participants received a combination of incentives (food, seeds, training) for seasonal assets construction. Using a theory-based approach and mixed methods that included document review, household surveys, asset assessments, focus groups, and interviews, the evaluation found that FFA provided short-term food security benefits. Medium-term impacts were confirmed, linked to assets providing income-generating and food production opportunities, including improved diet diversity of participant households. The evaluation recommended linking an FFA-based resilience approach to national frameworks; active field implementation of corporate guidance; enhanced accountability and transparency through operational action plans and a community communication strategy; and support to the establishment of a national FFA M&E framework.

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