Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Terms Of Reference - Tanzania: An evaluation of WFP's portfolio (2011– 2014)

The terms of reference of the Tanzania portfolio evaluation (2011– 2014) aim to inform stakeholders about the evaluation, clarify expectations and requirements and guide the evaluation team in its work during the various phases of the evaluation. The TOR notably present the scope, objectives, key issues, stakeholders and users of the evaluation. They also describe the evaluation approach and process.

WFP activities in Tanzania are based on the WFP’s CS 2011-2015, focusing on: i) ensuring continuity and building on experience and best practices from previous programmes; ii) prioritizing food-insecure areas and the most vulnerable households; iii) supporting a demand-driven and participatory approach; iv) enhancing strategic and local partnerships; v) ensuring alignment and coherence with government policies and strategies related to agricultural development, nutrition and food security; vi) supporting the government goals for environmental sustainability and climate change adaptation/mitigation; vii) equitable access to quality education at all levels for boys and girls; viii) improving survival, health, nutrition and well-being, especially for children, women and other vulnerable groups; and ix) providing adequate social protection and rights to vulnerable groups. The CS 2011-2015 aims at contributing to Government priorities/goals within the UNDAP framework.

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