The 2007 Humanitarian Accountability Report contains six chapters. Chapter 1: Humanitarian Accountability in 2007. The opening essay is a desk-review of materials published in 2007 undertaken by an independent expert. The purpose of the annual humanitarian accountability essay is to offer an informed and independent view of progress made by the humanitarian system towards meeting HAP’s strategic vision of “a humanitarian sector with a trusted and widely accepted accountability framework, which is transparent and accessible to all relevant parties”. Chapter 2: Survey of Perceptions of humanitarian accountability. This chapter reports on the third annual survey of perceptions of humanitarian accountability of those people in HAP’s contact directory who kindly completed and returned the questionnaire. 5 Chapter 3: Voices of some disaster survivors. During 2007, HAP staff recorded the views of many disaster survivors. A further eleven interviews were conducted with survivors of the Kashmir earthquake especially for this report. The sobering views of the humanitarian system’s principal stakeholders enrich the blend of perspectives about humanitarian accountability in the 2007. Chapter 4: The HAP Secretariat Annual Report. This chapter was prepared by HAP staff and provides a self-assessment of progress achieved against the objectives set out in the 2007 workplan and the headline targets described in the 2007-2009 medium term strategic plan. Chapter 5: Members’ Accountability Workplan Implementation Reports. Most of HAP’s members prepared summary accountability workplan implementation reports for the 2007 General Assembly. These are presented in tabulated form in this chapter. Chapter 6: Good Practice Case studies: In addition to the implementation reports, thirteen of HAP’s members contributed examples of good practices of accountability undertaken during 2007.