Evaluations and Lessons Learned

The 2010-2011 post-drought situation analysis with special reference to Turkana & Wajir Counties

Post drought situation assessment in northern kenya summary final ver png

In July-Aug. 2012, Oxfam commissioned a post-drought situation analysis of northern Kenya, with specific reference to Turkana and Wajir counties. The objective of this assessment was to understand the implication of the poor performance of the April- June 2012 rains in most parts of northern Kenya; provide an outlook of the remaining part of the year (Sept.-Dec. 2012) and an assessment of people’s vulnerability to drought, including the needs on the ground. Extensive consultations were made in Nairobi with Government, UN Agencies, NGOs and Donors, but also with County level stakeholders-DSG members and communities in different parts of the two counties.

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