Research and Studies

The 2017 long rains season assessment report

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The long rains assessment was conducted from 3rd – 14th July 2017 in arid and semi-arid (ASAL) counties and led by the Kenya Food Security Steering Group (KFSSG). The KFSSG is a multi-sectoral and multi-agency body which brings together relevant government sectors, UN agencies and technically qualified NGOs under the leadership of the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), co-chaired by the World Food Programme (WFP). The KFSSG carries out the seasonal assessments in partnership with the County Steering Groups (CSGs), which are also multi-sectoral and multi-agency, and whose membership includes local leaders. The assessment reports are therefore the definitive statement on food security in arid and semi-arid counties, endorsed by all KFSSG and CSG members.


The overall objective of the assessment was to analyse and determine the impact of the 2017 long rains on food and nutrition security, taking into account the cumulative effects of previous seasons and other shocks and hazards. In particular, the assessment explored the impact of the season on food availability, access and utilization by looking at the contributing factors and outcomes, and at how each sector has been affected. The ultimate goal is to advise on appropriate response mechanisms by the sectors, which include agriculture, livestock, water, health and nutrition, education, peace and security, and markets and trade. The recommended interventions are presented in this report.

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