The Centrality of Protection: what does it mean in practice? What are the roles and responsibilities of different humanitarian actors in protecting people affected by disasters and conflict?The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Statement on the Centrality of Protection tells us that as humanitarian actors we all have a role to play in protecting and assisting people in need. Protection is not every agency or actor’s expertise – so what role do we all still have to play? How can a more comprehensive protection framework help leverage the actions of all clusters to get better real outcomes for people affected by crisis?
In this 75-minute session we aim to unpack what the IASC Principals’ statement on the Centrality of Protection means from a practical point of view and why it concerns us all. We will explore the different roles and responsibilities of Humanitarian Coordinators, Humanitarian Country Teams, Cluster coordinators and Cluster members, sharing field perspectives from Yemen and South Sudan.
This webinar is for all those who are interested in how we can make the humanitarian system work better for people affected by disasters and humanitarian emergencies. Not just for the Protection cluster!
The presenters will be: • Johannes Van Der Klaauw, Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen • Louise Aubin, Global Protection Cluster Coordinator, UNHCR • Lisa Monaghan, South Sudan Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator, NRC with Panos Moumtzis, Director of the Senior Transformative Agenda Implementation Team (STAIT), as facilitator.