Guidance and Tools

The 'Climate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa' Project

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The main objective is the assessment of the impacts of climate changes at urban scale in Africa in the next 40-90 years (2050-2100), by: 1. 1. to downscale climate trends to evaluate threats (hazards) to cities: i.e., flood, drought, desertification, heat waves, sea level rise; 2. 2. to develop methods and knowledge to quantitatively assess risks (i.e., employing probabilistic loss metrics) cascading from climate-change-induced hazards, considering vulnerability of urban built environment and lifelines, as well as social and economical vulnerability, in-town ecosystems and urban-rural interfaces vulnerability; 3. 3. to get information to manage risks and to improve the coping capacity and the resilience of urban systems. 4. CLUVA is a 3-yr project (at the end of the first year) funded by the European Commission.

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