Research and Studies

The Ebola Outbreak in Liberia: Young People’s Needs in the West Point Slum

The ebola outbreak in liberia young peoples needs in the west point slum png

The deadly Ebola virus has claimed more than 2,400 lives throughout five affected West African countries. More than half of Ebola-related deaths have been in Liberia.

The West Point community in the capital Monrovia is the most densely-populated slum in Liberia. Despite a lack of official statistics to show how many cases of Ebola have been detected in West Point, the area has been identified by the Liberian government as high-risk. As a result, its extremely poor population of more than 75,000 have faced harsh anti-Ebola measures that have damaged their livelihoods, health and access to food and water. In September 2014 Y Care International (YCI) and the YMCA of Liberia surveyed young people living in West Point to gather a clear picture of their situation. This report presents the findings of the needs assessment, and makes recommendations about how aid agencies and governments can respond.

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