Research and Studies

The European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid: An NGO Perspective

European Union (EU) Member States, the European Commission and the European Parliament reached agreement on the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid in 2007. It provides a strong policy framework and “common vision” for the EU and Member States in developing their humanitarian policies and strategies. It has also functioned as an important document for promoting humanitarian principles. In order to make the political commitment to this framework more concrete, an Action Plan for implementation was agreed upon in 2008. Given the commitment to abide by humanitarian principles and best practice enshrined in the European Consensus, it has enormous potential both to guide Member States in their humanitarian decisions and to allow NGOs to hold Member States accountable.

This study, commissioned by VOICE and carried out by DARA, presents an analysis of how EU Member States and NGOs have engaged with the Consensus and how it has informed Member States’ decision-making and policies. It seeks to explain the role the Consensus has played in influencing Member States’ humanitarian policy and practice, especially in relation to several key themes. By presenting findings from the view of NGOs, the study seeks to contribute to an understanding of what NGOs consider the crucial elements of the Consensus, and of EU humanitarian aid more broadly.

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