Research and Studies

The Future of Humanitarian Surge

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This report has gathered data from project agencies and platforms with the aim of highlighting learning emanating from the project in order to support the humanitarian sector towards more effective surge practices.

Following a baseline of project agencies’ surge capacity in the first year of the project, further research to understand the state of surge across the humanitarian sector was undertaken the following year 2. This provided the largest snapshot of surge in over a decade and informed the project’s efforts on understanding and piloting approaches to: Localised surge systems, collaborative approaches to surge, good practice in surge activities.

One of the essential and underlying components of the project has been to understand surge-related capacity building needs and gaps. Contributions here have required collaborative approaches to developing training modules with individual agencies leading on different modules where they could provide specific inputs related to their areas of expertise. As a result a surge capacity training course, with eight separate modules, has been developed and tested during the project. The course includes a module on mindfulness and wellbeing as well as a module on behavioural competencies – an important yet frequently absent element of surge – focused training.

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