This is the first global evaluation of the ERF mechanism. Prior evaluations and audits were of individual ERFs and were country level evaluations or compilations of country cases. In response to OIOS audit of OCHA’s management of emergency response funds in 2010, it was determined that a comprehensive evaluation of the ERF mechanism would be conducted triennially. This evaluation was also occasioned by requests from donors to look more broadly at the ERF mechanism in general as opposed to looking at it from a disaggregated country approach. The evaluation covers all ERFs currently in operation with the exception of the Syria ERF, which was established in early 2012 and deemed to be beyond the scope of this evaluation.
The results of the evaluation will at the global level inform the review of ERF Guidelines in 2013 and development of policy in relevant areas. At the country level, the evaluation is expected to lead to improvements in ERF management, processes and operations. The evaluation recommendations will be addressed through the Management Response Plan as per OCHA Evaluation Policy.
The Objectives of the evaluation are to: • Provide an independent assessment of the contribution of ERFs to the humanitarian community’s ability to address critical unforeseen humanitarian needs in a timely and effective manner; • Examine the contribution of ERFs to strengthening the leadership of Humanitarian Coordinators, coordination role of the cluster system, and building partnerships (in particular with national and local NGOs); • Examine the role of the elements of OCHA that plan, administer and report on ERFs, map the progress made since 2009 in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of ERFs, and identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.