Research and Studies

The Impact of Conflict on Women and Girls in West and Central Africa and the UNICEF Response

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During conflict and reconstruction, the impact of horrific gender-based violence at societal, community and individual levels is a critical issue. Women and girls, particularly adolescent girls, need special protection measures. Their needs should be at the centre of all United Nations activities, from over-seeing and implementing peace agreements to humanitarian assistance and disarmament, reconstruction and rehabilitation.

This is the first study undertaken by the UNICEF West and Central Africa office on the situation of war-affected women and girls. The study highlights a number of innovative programmes UNICEF and its partners are implementing to address the impact of the numerous conflicts that have racked the region for more than a decade. The conclusion contains recommendations on how UNICEF can take a more proactive role as the leading institution for the rights of girls, particularly adolescent girls. These young women are the most adversely affected, but they are also able to play a key role as change agents in war- torn communities.

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