Research and Studies

The Long-Term Challenges of Forced Migration: Perspectives from Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq

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In a workshop held on 17–18 June 2016, the LSE Middle East Centre brought together a diverse group of people (policymakers from host states, representatives from international organisations, academics and NGOs practitioners) to explore the effects of the Syrian refugee crisis on Arab host states such as Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq.

Both refugees and host communities have thus far shown astonishing levels of resilience and patience. However, their endurance is not without limits. Efforts towards conflict resolution have made little progress, and 6 years on, the conflict has become protracted. The most effective way of tackling the Syrian refugee emergency is, first and foremost, by ending the conflict in Syria. Yet, while the crisis continues, it is crucial to explore new perspectives and stimulate debate on how to enhance the lives and conditions of refugees and host communities alike.

This volume brings together a set of papers presented at the workshop. It also presents a list of key recommendations relevant for all stakeholders and agreed upon by participants.

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