The Manchester Briefing COVID-19: International Lessons for Local and National Government Recovery and Renewal - Briefing #32

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Each week the University of Manchester and the Resilient Cities Network bring together international lessons and examples to enhance understanding of how cities around the world are recovering environmentally, economically, and socially from the impacts of COVID-19. The lessons are generated through research and interviews led by the University of Manchester, involving experts in civil protection, resilience, and recovery.

The Manchester Briefing on COVID-19 is aimed at those who plan and implement recovery from COVID-19, including government emergency planners and resilience officers. We bring together international lessons and examples which may prompt your thinking on the recovery from COVID-19, as well as other information from a range of sources and a focus on one key topic. The lessons are taken from websites (e.g. UN, WHO), documents (e.g. from researchers and governments), webinars (e.g. those facilitated by WEF, GCRN), and other things we find. We aim to report what others have done without making any judgement on the effectiveness of the approaches or recommending any specific approach.

This week we have provided four briefings:

  1. The Essex Resilience Forum COVID-19 Impact Assessment
  2. Lessons you may find helpful from across the world Briefing
  3. The Integrated Review - Considerations for local and national resilience
  4. Useful webinars

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