The participation of local and national actors in humanitarian coordination structures

Engaging local and national actors (L/NAs) is critical to the success of humanitarian action. L/NAs are often the first responders and at the heart of humanitarian response. They provide an invaluable understanding of local challenges and potential solutions, and they can mobilize local networks and offer greater access to affected populations. Hence they contribute to a more effective, efficient and sustainable humanitarian response with enhanced AAP. L/NAs often work across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus to support affected communities in preparedness, response and recovery, and after international actors withdraw. The participation and leadership of L/NAs in humanitarian response mechanisms is key to ensuring a response is adapted to the local context. This continued to be a focus of IASC partners in 2022, especially after the adoption of the IASC Guidance on strengthening participation, representation and leadership of local and national actors in IASC humanitarian coordination mechanisms in July 2021.

Progress was tracked through the annual mapping of IASC coordination structures covering 29 humanitarian operations during 2021,2 with more than 2,400 coordination structures mapped at national and subnational levels. Overall, the data shows a strong level of participation across humanitarian coordination structures, but more remains to be done in terms of facilitating L/NAs’ leadership of these structures.

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