Evaluations and Lessons Learned

The Partnership with Local Authorities in Responding to Humanitarian Crisis. The case of Lebanon: Lessons learned and recommendations

Part two. Lessons learned on the involvement of local authorities in the response to the syrian crisis in Lebanon

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In recent years, the importance of local authori- ties (LAs) has been highlighted by scholars and practitioners: the change begins from the bot- tom and key actors of this change are active citizens and effective states that are the two sides of the same “development coin”. Being closer to citizens than other public institutions, LAs play a key role as catalysts for change. The purpose of this study is to reflect on the partnership with LAs for responding to emer- gencies and linking relief and rehabilitation to development activities. In particular, this paper critically assesses the experience of Oxfam Ita- lia (OIT) of working in partnership with local au- thorities for responding to Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon. This case-study analysis is based on desk-based review and interviews with key informants in Italy and Lebanon.

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