Research and Studies

The State of the World’s Cash 2020

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Since the first State of the World’s Cash report we have seen huge developments in cash and voucher assistance (CVA), with a continued increase in scale driving changing roles and partnerships, and a growing emphasis on quality. This new report, State of the World’s Cash 2020, examines progress, changes, and challenges in the use of CVA within the rapidly shifting humanitarian landscape over the last two and a half years. It provides:

  • A neutral and critical analysis of the current state of CVA globally, including the extent to which it is contributing to quality in humanitarian programming and outcomes for people in need
  • An assessment of progress against the benchmark data collected for the 2018 report, identifying notable changes, challenges and gaps which may affect further progress
  • Practical actions which can be applied – individually, organizationally and collectively – by stakeholders to support further progress and address gaps and challenges
  • An analysis of the emerging implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The report starts with a short overview of four key shifts that became apparent during the research and analysis for this report. This is followed by very short summaries of each chapter. These summaries offer some key reference points but we urge readers not to stop there. Each chapter of this report is full of rich findings, analysis and reflections on what more is needed to strengthen the CVA system.

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