Dan Church Aid (DCA), in cooperation with the ACT Alliance and Joint Learning Initiative, comissioned a study to explore how do DCA’s local faith actor partners in South Sudan operationalize a Triple Nexus approach to humanitarian, development, and peace activities, and what barriers do they face.
The study concludes that local actors already regularly work across the humanitarian-development-peace silos in South Sudan addressing both acute and long term needs of communities simultaneously. However, local actors’ sustainability is eroded by the silos existing in the aid system and by lack of donor appetite for nexus in South Sudan. Due to faith actors’ long standing role as peace builders in South Sudan local faith actors add significant added value to addressing the “P” in the HDP nexus. The study calls for increased focus on capacity sharing (not one-way, top-down capacity building) where complementary capacities are valued and partners have equal roles with access to multi-year funding