Research and Studies

The Tropical Cyclone Early Warning System of Cuba

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For more than 40 years, the Cuban Government has been investing material resources and human capital in the creation and improvement of its early warning system for tropical cyclones and other alert systems. As a result, the resolution of meteorological and hydrological monitoring systems has been strengthened through the acquisition of new equipment, the training of specialists and the development of working tools that improve understanding of the hazards. Plans have been refined and structures have been perfected to ensure their implementation along with the population’s preparation, at national to local levels. An extensive network of radio and television stations, newspapers and other facilities has been established to ensure the rapid dissemination of alert messages. Recently, local access and distribution points for early warnings have also been set up in communities at greater risk. Associated with the local administration centers, these outlets contribute to ensuring the timely transmission of information for the reduction of municipal risk.

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