Guidance and Tools

The unseen struggles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex urban refugees in Mexico, Uganda and South Africa

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In this guide, ORAM offers key recommendations relevant to narrowing the protection gaps plaguing urban SGN16 refugees. Based on our research findings in the disparate protection environments of Uganda, South Africa and Mexico, as well as on ORAM’s extensive work with this population in other locations, these recommendations include:

  • Training agencies, protection officers, RSD staff, and NGOs which provide refugee assistance (e.g., information on SOGI claims and sensitive interviewing techniques);
  • Including sexual and gender nonconformity at each stage of refugee processing (e.g. adopting intake and RSD forms which allow full articulation of claims based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression);
  • Encouraging domestic protection authorities to recognise SGN claims;
  • Providing UNHCR mandate protection where domestic protection is unavailable;
  • Expediting consideration of vulnerable SGN persons’ claims;
  • Forming information networks to improve SGN refugees’ access to information systems;
  • Fast-tracking resettlement of particularly vulnerable SGN refugees;
  • Increasing the numbers of SGN refugees accepted for resettlement;
  • Forming partnerships with organisations focused on sexual and gender minorities; and
  • Conducting comprehensive advocacy and service efforts that connect organisations working in legal aid, sex and gender based violence, human rights issues, and refugee support.

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