Research and Studies

Third Party and Collaborative Monitoring

Findings, Opportunities and Recommendations

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The purpose of this report is to identify some of the key issues associated with the engagement of private service providers or Third Party Monitors (TPMs), and to explore ways in which the greatest common benefit can be derived from the adoption of collaborative monitoring practises, through consideration of the following questions:

  • Why is there a need to use TPMs?
  • What services are TPMs providing to UN agencies in Afghanistan?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of engaging TPMs?
  • How is technology being used to support monitoring activities?
  • Which approaches might support or enable collaborative efforts?

It is intended that consideration of these and other related issues will help to inform discussions and to shape efforts to identify opportunities to enable the development of collaborative approaches to monitoring and the engagement of TPMs.

The contents of this report are based on a review of sample literature on the subject of remote monitoring, as well as the results of a short survey of UN agencies working in Afghanistan on the use of TPMs which was circulated by the Risk Management Unit (RMU) in late December 2014.

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