Research and Studies

Tomorrow's Crises Today: The Humanitarian Impact of Urbanization

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Chapter 1: Overview - Tomorrow's Crises Today: City of Darkness/ City of Light

Chapter 2: Delhi: Drinking the City Dry - Water Insecurity

Chapter 3: Lagos: Crisis of Management - Governance and Planning

Chapter 4: Dhaka: Reaping the Whirlwind - Vulnerability to Natural Disasters

Chapter 5: Addis: Putting Food on the Table - Food Insecurity

Chapter 6: Rio: Fighting for the Favelas - Human Insecurity

Chapter 7: Jakarta: Battling to Breathe - Population Control

Chapter 8: Cairo: Sheltering the Urban Poor - The Housing Crisis

Chapter 9: El Alto: Labouring to Survive - Employment Insecurity pollution control

Chapter 10: Luanda: Living in the Hot Zone - Health and Sanitation

Chapter 11: Ulaanbaatar: Painful Transitions - Cultural Change

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