Towards Sustainable Solutions for Improved Living Conditions of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

Final evaluation report jp jan 2015 png

This report presents an evaluation of the “Towards Sustainable Solutions for Improved Living Conditions of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon” project, jointly implemented by UNDP and UN-Habitat to respond to the needs in Basic Urban Services (BUS) in Palestinian gatherings. The project, which was expected to start in January 2012, was launched in July 2012 to end in October 2014

Recently, due to the Syrian Crisis, the living conditions and social interactions in the Palestinian Gatherings have worsened with the arrival of tens of thousands of Palestinian Refugees from Syria (PRS). This new situation led to adapting the project activities to respond to the new rising needs during the implementation phase. Major amendments were made to the timeline, budget allocation and planned interventions under the supervision of the Steering Committee of the Project. The scope of work and the work plan have been consequently revised in 2013.

An evaluation mission was conducted between 9 October 2014 and 25 November 2014. It focused on assessing the following areas: Achievement of Project; Project Design and Management; Stakeholder Participation and Ownership; and Sustainability. The evaluation also includes identification of Lessons Learned and Recommendations.

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