Research and Studies

Tripoli city profile

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UN-Habitat City Profiles are formulated to offer a cross- sectoral perspective on urban vulnerabilities that will inform holistic and inclusive interventions by local authorities, humanitarian partners and others to respond to needs and alleviate poverty amongst host and displaced populations. They also aim at contributing to an analytical knowledge base that will facilitate nuanced medium to long term public sector planning and investment agendas.


Concerned with the status of urban infrastructure and services and how these interplay with the distribution and socio- economic characteristics of host and refugee populations across the city, UN-Habitat City Profiles are structured around the four themes of space, governance, population and services. National and city-specific data is presented against each theme followed by identification of gaps and challenges.

The last theme, services, is divided into economy, basic urban services and social services. For each of these sectors, relevant activities reported by partners to the Lebanese Crisis Response Plan in the online portal ActivityInfo is included, forming part of the evidence base against which gaps and challenges are suggested2. The two full reporting years of 2014, 2015 and 2016 are currrently included; 2017 will be added at the year end, with the run-up to that point typically showing a surge in reported activities.

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