The strongest tropical storm ever to make landfall in the Philippines, Typhoon Haiyan ripped through the Visayas region on November 8th 2013. 16 million people were affected, 8,000 people were killed and 1.4 million homes were damaged or destroyed.
What was left in the super typhoon's wake, once the deadly tidal surge and high winds had dissipated, was the shattered infrastructure of what were already some of the most vulnerable provinces in the Philippines. Thousands of acres of crops were destroyed; livelihoods had been lost.
Three and-a-half years on, the majority of Biasong's residents have made a strong recovery. A fisherman shows off his night's catch. Children play by the shoreline. Farmers are on the way to their fields. Construction workers build a new road, connecting Biasong with the nearby town of San Isidro. The damaged Barangay hall remains the sole reminder of the storm.