Research and Studies

Ukraine country study: humanitarian financing task team output IV

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This country case study report contributes to a wider policy study commissioned by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Humanitarian Financing Task Team and contributes to their 2018-19 work plan objective to “Contribute to aid effectiveness through more effective humanitarian development funding flows and mechanisms”. The study is co-led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). An Advisory Committee also provides strategic guidance to the study and includes FAO, NRC, UNDP, OCHA, the Word Bank, the OECD, ICVA and the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTFO).

The study documents the extent to which predictable, multi-year, flexible financing is made available at country level and seeks to understand the ways in which funding matches collective outcomes or Interoperable Humanitarian and Development Plan financial requirements (also referred to as ‘common planning priorities’) through a series of country studies in Afghanistan, Cameroon, Chad, the Central African Republic (CAR), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Ukraine.

A research mission was carried out in Kiev, Ukraine, from February 4th – 8th 2019, hosted by UN OCHA and at the invitation of the UN Resident / Humanitarian Coordinator (RCHC). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with (see Annex X for a full list of actors consulted) in accordance with the agreed research methodology. Documentary research and analysis of major public and private financing flows which could in principle contribute to Ukraine’s humanitarian, recovery, development and peacebuilding challenges supports the country-level qualitative interview research and is provided in Annex 2.

Ukraine was identified as a case study for this study on the grounds because actors at country level had agreed Collective Outcomes in 2018, and as a lower-middle income context with significant volumes of recovery and development funding, and substantial geo-strategic interest to many bilateral donor governments and the EU, Ukraine contrasts with low-income setting case study countries in Chad, CAR and DRC.

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