While absent from the international radar, the conflict in eastern Ukraine and its resulting humanitarian needs are a daily reality for 4.4 million people affected by the conflict, with no hopes for a quick end to their suffering.
Some 3.8 million need humanitarian assistance, including livelihood and early recovery. Despite commitments to ceasefire over the past 30 months, hostilities continue. Of more than 10,000 people killed, 2,000 are civilians.
Houses, schools, hospitals and other critical infrastructure continue to suffer damage. Some IDPs decided or were forced to return, as they could not afford anymore to live in the Government-controlled areas (GCA) where livelihood and shelter solutions are insufficient. However, they still continue to face difficulties in accessing Government support as well as limited services and markets in areas beyond Government control (NGCA).
The conflict also intensified pre-existing systemic flaws, from ageing infrastructures to legislative shortcomings, etc. that, in turn, adds to the complexity of the situation, requiring concurrent humanitarian, recovery and development action. Insecurity, access constraints and limited resources are major challenges. In winter, when temperatures drop below -20 degrees Celsius, any gap in assistance delivery will have life-threatening consequences.