Research and Studies

Understanding Humanitarian Funds - Going Beyond Country-Based Pooled Funds

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Pooled funds have become a significant part of the humanitarian landscape and financing toolbox over the last decade. Their numbers have grown, more donors are channeling funds through them, and more humanitarian actors are looking to them as a means of financing.

The level of information exchange and learning between the funds, however, do not seem to match the expansion in pooled funds. As pooled funds are receiving heightened attention and in line with the Grand Bargain commitment on reducing the earmarking burden placed on humanitarian organisations, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) conducted a study to map pooled funds and provide recommendations.

“Understanding Humanitarian Funds: Going beyond Country-Based Pooled Funds” maps the various pooled funds, available for humanitarian response and resilience programming, identifies good practice and lessons, and provides recommendations for the existing pooled funds, which may also be useful for new and future pooled funds.

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