UNICEF Country reports- Malaysia

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The UNICEF Malaysia Country Office kindly agreed to take part as a focus country in a Real Time Assessment (RTA) exercise being carried out across the world. The RTA process, as adapted in East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region, has an objective of identifying early perspectives and assessment on the COVID-19 response; analysing the data gathered to extract learning for the region and the wider organisation; and based on the findings and conclusions co-create recommendations for UNICEF further consideration. The Malaysia Country Office (CO) was one of six EAP offices participating in the multi-stage data gathering for the RTA. For the six countries, the full data gathering process included: (a) a desk review carried out by the RO Evaluation section; (b) CO survey; (c) Government and Implementing Partners (IPs) online survey; and (d) identifying a small sample for Key Informant Interviews (KII). These KII are drawn from Frontline workers supported by UNICEF and beneficiary families. The intent of the KII are to learn lessons from the perspectives of interviewees on the UNICEF COVID-19 response.

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