Research and Studies

United Nations Development Programme in Syria 2017 Annual Report: Resilience at the Forefront

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As the emerging needs of the Syrian people in 2017 continued to call for more response from all humanitarian actors, UNDP spared no effort in increasing the resilience of Syrian communities through livelihoods support, rehabilitation of community infrastructure and social inclusion, as well as economic recovery through supporting small businesses and creating employment opportunities. This report, entitled “Resilience at the Forefront”, reflects our achievements in 2017, where UNDP’s interventions enhanced the resilience of nearly 4.7 million people in Syria and provided 89,866 monthly job opportunities by implementing 221 local projects, which directly benefited more than 547,774 crisis-affected persons.

The implemented projects have facilitated business revival through productive assets replacement, start-up kits distribution, vocational training, job placements, in addition to improving the community basic service delivery to the most crisis-affected people.

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