Research and Studies

Urban disaster risk: Systematization of neighborhood practices

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This report systematizes the experiences of the United States Agency for International Development, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, Latin America/ Caribbean Regional Office (USAID/USAID/OFDA/LAC) in the application of the Neighborhood Approach (NA), a strategy to find practical and workable solutions for disaster risk reduction in densely populated informal urban communities. The principles of the NA had shaped the design of a rehabilitation project in Ravine Pintade, a neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, hit especially hard by the January 2010 earthquake. Eager to include urban DRR in its portfolio, and convinced of the potential of the NA as an approach to sustainable disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures in vulnerable and marginal communities, in FY 2012, USAID/USAID/OFDA/LAC funded projects in four urban settings in three countries in the region.

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