Urban Factsheet: Eastern Aleppo City


Reach syr factsheet easternaleppocity foodhealthwater 31july2014 0 png

This assessment presents an analysis of data collected by REACH enumerators in two stages, between 17 April and 7 July, 2014, in the eastern, opposition-controlled side of Aleppo city, in Syria. This allows REACH to do a comparison of the direct effects of the current siege in eastern Aleppo city – although the security situation in April 2014 was already extremely restrictive, humanitarian supply and potential to flee the city of Aleppo were not as difficult as in July 2014. The factsheet specifically focuses on the sectors of Food, Health and Water in each of the four neighbourhoods. This assessment does not aim to provide detailed programmatic information; rather it is designed to share with a broad audience a concise overview of the current situation in this area and to guide further assessments.

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