Urban Response Community of Practice 2018 Membership Survey

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In 2015, ALNAP carried out the first Urban CoP membership survey, generating responses from 408 members (27% of the CoP membership at the time). The survey helped shape the way that the CoP has functioned, and the direction of ALNAP’s broader urban work over the past three years.

During the summer of 2018, ALNAP conducted a second Urban CoP membership survey, seeking to understand how members engage with the CoP, and ALNAP’s urban work more broadly, in order to guide ALNAP’s decisions moving forward. 446 individuals completed the survey (22% of the current CoP membership).

This report shares the key findings from the survey. It answers the following questions:

  • Who are the CoP’s members?
  • How does the membership engage with the CoP, urban webinars and Urban
  • Humanitarian Response Portal?
  • What suggestions for improvement are there?
  • What should ALNAP’s role be when it comes to knowledge management on urban humanitarian response?
  • What should ALNAP prioritise in the future? What are ALNAP’s next steps?

This survey was planned, executed and summarised by Leah Campbell and Jonathan Jones on behalf of the ALNAP Secretariat and the Urban Response Community of Practice. Thanks go to all those who participated in the survey and to the ALNAP Secretariat for support in designing and testing the survey.

For questions or comments about the survey, please contact Leah Campbell via alnap@alnap.org

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