The study is part of a global project on the legal frameworks to support disaster risk reduction at country level, which is being undertaken by the IFRC in partnership with the United Nations Development Pro- gramme (UNDP). The purpose of the country case studies as a whole is to assist IFRC and UNDP in compiling a Global Synthesis Report on DRR and legislation. This case study was conducted in two stages. It started with a national law desk survey in which the relevant legislation was identified and described. This part of the study was completed in July 2012 and resulted in a background report with an inventory of the relevant legal framework and identification of gaps. The results of the desk survey were the starting point for the field study conducted in November and December 2012, with the dual purpose of identifying additional legal instruments not included in the survey and, most importantly, gaining an understanding of how these laws and regulations are applied in practice at all levels and the extent to which this has contributed to DRR.