In response to a growing awareness that the impact of assistance differs across various beneficiary populations, the UNHCR office in Jordan continues to collect comprehensive data that allows for both the targeting and prioritization of refugees from Syria known as the Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF). The goal of the process is to gather data on and identify urban Syrian refugees’ vulnerabilities in order to facilitate more efficient and effective programming in Jordan. In order to do this, the VAF includes both a targeting component, which allows for increased knowledge on the vulnerabilities and assistance required by each case, and a prioritization component, which acknowledges that certain cases require different (more and /or faster) assistance than others. Together, these components allow for UNHCR and for partners alike to better identify the needs and vulnerabilities of the population of concern and prioritize cases in need of urgent assistance. The VAF however by nature is not solely a UNHCR initiative but a collaborative initiative developed with the engagement of donors, UN agencies and INGOs operating in Jordan.