Research and Studies

Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon 2016

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The crisis in Syria is well into its sixth year, and Lebanon continues to host over one million Syrian refugees. As of August 31, 2016, US$ 980 million had been injected into the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan 2016 (LCRP) designed by the Government of Lebanon and partners, slowing a further slide into poverty for most refugees.

This targeted humanitarian assistance has been critical to sustaining the refugee population and easing the strain on the host community. It is, however, less than half of the US$ 2.48 billion requested to ensure the well-being of refugees. The situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon remains highly precarious, as shown in this year’s vulnerability assessment.

The 2016 Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees (VASyR) surveyed a representative sample of Syrian refugee households in Lebanon to identify changes and trends in their situation. The assessment continues to provide valuable insight into refugees’ living conditions, from the size of their families to the shelter they live in, to their economic vulnerability and food insecurity. Throughout this report, refugees’ own viewpoints offer a crucial glimpse into the strategies they deploy to survive and their own perceptions of their situation and the assistance they receive.

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