The ‘Jordan Compact’ presented at the 2016 London conference details major commitments aimed at improving the resilience of refugee and host communities, focusing mainly on: EDUCATION and LIVELIHOODS.
- The enrolment of Syrian refugee children in public schools increased from 126,127 children in 2016-2017 to 130,382 in 2017-2018.
- 209 double-shift schools have opened across the country. 6,000 out-of-school children were provided with certified non-formal education, such as catch-up and drop-out programmes. A total of 118,107 children, including those vulnerable in host communities, were provided with non-certified learning support services.
- The government set up in September 2017 a grace period enabling all children to enrol in schools, regardless of their nationality and documentation status.
- It also accepted refugee children who had missed the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year enrol in the second semester.
- Large teacher training programs were rolled out with 7,452 teachers, facilitators and school staff trained on psychosocial support, child-centred approaches and life-skills by the end of 2017.
- A National Centre for Curricula Development was also established in order to support the development of educational materials, and encourage continuous curricula development and lifelong learning.
- The system for collecting and managing education data in Jordan was considerably strengthened through OpenEMIS.