Research and Studies

We Accept Cash

Mapping Study on the Use of Cash Transfers in Humanitarian, Recovery and Transitional Response

We accept cash mapping study on the use of cash transfers in humanitarian%2C recovery and transitional response  png

The goal of We Accept Cash: Mapping Study of the Use of Cash Transfers in Humanitarian and Recovery Situations is to map policies, practice and the experience and learning regarding the use of cash transfer mechanisms, in humanitarian and transitional situations and amongst MFA’s key partners. The partners include UN organizations and programs, International Financial Institutions as Norwegian and International NGO.

As specific objectives, the study was asked to review existing reports, studies and institutional policies and guidelines to identify: a. The existing knowledge base concerning the relevance, usefulness and available options for the use of cash transfers (conditional and non-conditional). Aspects concerning results, risk management (including corruption, political and conflict related risks) and women’s rights and gender shall be given particular attention; b. Important lessons learned (what works and what doesn’t); c. Identify good institutional policies and practices, especially among the Norwegian MFA’s humanitarian and recovery/transitional assistance partners (OCHA, WFP, FAO, UNDP, World Bank, regional banks, and international and Norwegian NGOs) as well as ECHO; and d. Whether other donors have specific policies and guidelines regarding cash transfers, and the main principles and contents of these, if any.

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