Guidance and Tools

"What should collaboration for cash at scale look like?" - Global learning and membership launch event

Calp membership launch report web png

The Event Report provides a rich summary of the outcomes and discussions of the event, which can be summarized as follows: · The power of the CaLP network: Through collaboration based on collective impact, CaLP and its members are uniquely positioned to be a catalyst for the significant changes needed at a technical and policy level to implement cash at scale. · The right direction of travel: CaLP’s operational strategy, including a significant scale-up of capacity-building, a key role in global CTP advocacy and an increased function in standard-setting for CTP provides a unique opportunity for the CaLP network to collectively contribute to change. · A shared future vision of CTP: Recognising the global momentum for change, CaLP’s potential to support people affected by crisis as agents of their own recovery will continue to grow through the strength of its members and their networks.

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